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Monthly Challenges 

As part of our mission to spread more awareness alongside helping inspire children through Robotics our team created monthly challenges for users of our kit. Monthly Challenges will compose of challenges assign each month which allows student to develop a deeper understanding for hardware and integrated circuit. Furthermore, challenges would also expand their knowledge for coding which is essential when completing these task. Lastly, student are also given a solution at the very end of each month to allows student t understand the solution of how to accomplish the task. By clicking the scrolling below you can visit the Challenge of the month. 

November Challenge

From our previous workshop, we can now program the robot to follow a single black line. However, for November Challenge we will try to program the robot to follow a path between 2 separate black lines. During the challenge student should optimize the 2 line tracking sensor beneath the robot. As well as optimizing the code to detect black lines and turn accordingly. The video to the right demonstrates what the robot should accomplish. 

If you interested in knowing the solution and any hint click button below

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